
French Vocabulary Lists

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  1. 26 letters and French 26 words
  2. About, etc.
    • Il s'agit / Il suffit
  3. À CAUSE DE vs. PARCE QUE practice - Premium
  4. Adjectives
  5. Aimer, bien aimer, etc.
  6. All Saints Day in France - Toussaint
  7. Amener, emmener, etc.
  8. Animals
  9. Art terms
  10. Asking for directions - Demander son chemin
  11. BE, 'to be' using AVOIR in French
  12. Besides
  13. Bicycling
  14. Biffe, biffin - see 'Dump diving' below
  15. Black heritage
  16. Body Parts
    1. Practice - Premium
    2. Expressions about body parts
    3. Expressions about teeth
  17. Bombs and attacks
    1. practice
  18. Bread etc.
    1. expressions about bread
  19. Canard, etc.
  20. Cars etc.
  21. Champagne etc.
  22. Chez, etc.
  23. Childhood
    1. from newborn to old age .
    2. rearing children
  24. Christmas
  25. Climbing and mountaineering
  26. Clothing
  27. Coeur, etc. 
  28. Colors
  29. Coming and going - Aller et venir
  30. Conduire, etc.
  31. Connaître vs. Savoir (see "Savoir vs. Connaître")
  32. Cours, courses, etc.
  33. Crepe Day - La Chandeleur
  34. Crime and justice
  35. Day in and day out 
  36. Daily routine
  37. Days of the week
  38. Days, years, morning, evening, and night
  39. Devoir, falloir, etc.
  40. DIY -Le bricolage
  41. Doctors
  42. Down town
  43. Drugs - 420
  44. Dump Diving - La biffe
    1. Read along
  45. Easter (see Pâques)
  46. Eiffel Tower - La tour Eiffel
  47. English words used in French
  48. Endearment terms
  49. Environment - Premium
  50. Expressing Quantities
  51. Expressions with COUR
  52. Expressions with FALLOIR
  53. Expressions with first names
  54. Expressions with ŒUVRE
  55. Expressions with RENDRE - premium
    1. practice RENDRE - premium
  56. Expressions with SOUFFLE
  57. Expressions with TOMBER
  58. Faire, etc
  59. Falloir, expressions
  60. Family
  61. Fashion
  62. False Cognates
  63. Farm terms
  64. Feelings
  65. "Ficher" and "Foutre"
  66. Flowers - Les fleurs
  67. Foi, etc.
  68. Food - La nourriture

    1. baking desserts
    2. buying food
    3. cooking and music
    4. cooking verbs
    5. cuire, etc.
    6. expressions with food
    7. fish, etc.
      1. expressions with 'poisson'
    8. food vocabulary
    9. fruit
    10. fun cooking words
    11. seafood
    12. setting the Table - Mettre la Table
    13. wine/ Winery
    14. wine #2
    1. practice
  70. French words from Arabic
  71. French words in English
  72. Garden - Le jardin
    1. garden expressions
  73. Graduation - La remise de diplôme
  74. Greetings
  75. Hair, At the hairdresser's
    1. practice French hair and barber terms
  76. Halloween
    1. French halloween puzzle
  77. Hanukkah
  78. 'Heads up'
  79. Health and Fitness
  80. Hear vs. Listen
  81. Hiking
  82. Hobbies
  83. Home Improvement
    1. Practice French DIY terms
  84. House Cleaning
  85. Independence Day
  86. It makes, etc
  87. Jour vs. journée, etc.
  88. Kindness and Premium
    1. practice with a video and premium
  89. Kitchen vocabulary
  90. To Know: Savoir / Connaître
  91. Laundry

    1. practice
  92. Late, etc.
  93. Leisure and vacation terms
  94. Library
  95. To Like and to Dislike
  96. Love terms - Les mots d'amour
  97. Marketing
  98. MISS, to miss - Manquer et Manquer à - premium

    1. practice MANQUER and RATER  - premium
    2. test - premium
  99. Movies - Cinéma .
  100. To miss - Manquer et Manquer à
  101. Money and bank - L'argent et la banque
  102. Months
  103. Movies - Le cinéma
  104. Music
  105. Narration Terms
  106. Natural disasters - Les catastrophes naturelles 
  107. Nature - Premium
  108. Nautical Terms
  109. New and Old - nouveau ≠ neuf, ancien ≠ old
  110. New words in French - Néologismes
    1. puzzle
  111. New Year
    1. Practice
  112. Numbers - Les chiffres
    1. CHIFFRE, NOMBRE ou NUMÉRO - Premium with practice
    2. collective numbers
    3. dictation
    4. expressions with numbers
    5. ordinal numbers
    6. practice French numbers
  113. Offal - Les abats
  114. At the Office
  115. On, etc.
  116. Painting etc. 
  117. Pâques : Easter
  118. PARCE QUE vs. À CAUSE DE practice - Premium
  119. Pessa'h - Passover
  120. Péter etc.
  121. Photography
  122. Placing of Adjectives
  123. Playground - L'aire de jeux
  124. Political upheaval
  125. Pollution
  126. Pour, etc.
  127. Poverty
  128. "Proche" vs. "Près"
  129. "Quand-Même" - Different Meanings
  130. Ramadan
  131. Reading
  132. Religion
  133. Renting a place in French - Things to know about renting
  134. Revenir etc.
  135. Sales - Les soldes
  136. Savoir vs. Connaître
    1. practice
  137. School
    1. School supplies
  138. Sentir: Different Meanings
  139. Si
  140. Small Talk
  141. Smoking 
  142. Something old, Something new
  143. Songs - Les chansons
  144. Sports
    1. bicycle terms
      • practice
    2. nautical terms
    3. Olympics - Winter Olympics
    4. Sports in general
    5. Rugby terms
    6. Tennis terms
  145. Stores in the neighborhood - Les commerces de quartier
  146. Strikes and protests - premium
    1. puzzle with PDF
  147. Supermarkets : L'hypermarché
  148. Swearing - Premium
  149. Technology
  150. TENIR - Expressions with TENIR - practice
  151. Thanksgiving
  152. Time, temps, fois, etc
    1. practice
  153. Time of the day
  154. TOUR, expressions with
  155. Toys
    1. practice French toys terms
  156. Travel - Voyager
  157. TV, Radio, etc.
  158. USE, about 'to use'
  159. Vegetables
  160. Vehicles
  161. Verbs - 200 first French verbs
  162. Verlan Slang
  163. Vivre, habiter and demeurer
  164. Vocabulary random practice
  165. Voting
  166. Weather
    1. weather expressions
  167. Weddings
  168. Wine
  169. Women's Rights
    1. read along
    2. puzzle
  170. Working conditions - premium
    1. puzzle with PDF
. French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture, about French about France, French podcast

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