French Grammar Points
French Grammar Points
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Let's review French grammar points together. Click on the topic of your choice to access worksheet and AUDIO files.
- À vs. AU and DE vs. DU
À vs. DE
- practice
- Accents
- Adjectives etc...
- What is an Adverb?
- English-French list
- French-English list
- Adverbs placement - La place des adverbes: un grand homme - un homme grand
- Adverbs of time - Adverbes de temps: avant, après
Adverbs of Quantity - Les adverbes de quantité
- tout, tant tellement si
- tellement or tel - premium
- After 'après' - Après 'après' - preposition
- Agreement of Past Participle
- Agreement of Past Participle with ON and EN
- "All" : Tout, Toute, Tous, Toutes
- practice
AVOIR is to be (?!)
- practice
- Bon vs. bien
- Bien : how to use
Comparing in French - Comparer: French etc., c'est le mieux
- practice comparing
- Compound noun agreement
Compound nouns gender - Le genre des noms composés
- conjugation of AVOIR and VOULOIR - practice
- Countries, genders and nationalities
- Demonstrative adjectives - Les adjectifs démonstratifs: ce et cette
Demonstrative pronouns - Les pronoms démonstratifs: ceci et ça
- practice demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
DE vs. DES
- practice
- DE vs. LES - DE ou LES
- DEPUIS - see 'since and For' below
- Direct Object Pronouns
- Disjunctive pronouns - Les pronoms toniques: toi et moi
- EN pronoun practice
- Expressing time - Exprimer le temps: depuis, il y a
- FALLOIR vs. DEVOIR (premium)
- Gender of French articles
- Gender formation - La formation des genres
- Gender of French words
- How to ask a question
- How to tell time
If clauses
- part 1
- part 2
- Imparfait: When and How to use it
Indefinite adjectives and pronouns - Les adjectifs et pronoms indéfinis: plusieurs, quelque chose
- chaque vs. chacun - premium
- Indirect Object Pronouns
- Jour vs. journée, an vs. année, etc.
- Lequel, laquelle, etc. - see 'Relative Pronouns' below
Linking Words - Premium
- practice - Premium
- LUI and LEUR - Indirect Object Pronouns
- practice
- Mine - possessive pronouns
Narrating Words - Premium
- practice - Premium
- NE, expletive NE, When NE isn't just negative
- NE … QUE means ONLY
- Negative Commands
- Negative sentences -Les phrases négatives
- Object Pronouns
- Order of French Pronouns – Ordre des pronoms
- Ordinal numbers - Les chiffres ordinaux: 1st, second, etc.
- Oui vs. Si
- Passé Composé vs. Imparfait
- Passive voice - La voix passive
Past participles list - Liste des participes passés
- practice
Personal pronouns - Les pronoms personnels: je, tu, etc.
- practice
Plural of nouns
- basic rules
- nouns ending in -al
- nouns ending in -eau
- nouns ending in -ail
- Possessive adjectives - Les adjectifs possessifs: My my my!
- Possessive pronouns - Les pronoms possessifs: mine
Prepositions of place and direction - ON, IN, NEXT TO, BEHIND....
- practice 1
- practice 2
- Pronoun "Y"
- Pronunciation - La prononciation -- see down this page
- Questions
Reflexive verbs in French – Les verbes pronominaux
- reflexive Pronouns
- reflexive vs. non reflexive verbs
list reflexive verbs
- practice reflexive verbs
- practice translating reflexive verbs
Relative Pronouns - Les pronoms relatifs
LEQUEL, etc.
- practice
- QUI and QUE – Relative pronouns
- QUI vs. CE QUI
- QUE vs. CE QUE
LEQUEL, etc.
Sequence of tenses
- practice
- Since and For - DEPUIS
- Specific Adjectives
- Spatial prepositions - Les prépositions de lieu
- Sequence of tenses - La concordance des temps: Si je fais du français, j’irai à Paris.
- SI means SO
- Venir De + Infinitif
- Verbs - Double verbs, 2 verbs following one another
- Verb groups
- Verbs in -IR that mean 'to become'
Verbs that take the preposition DE
- practice verbs with DE
Y - pronoun
- Y pronoun practice
- y a ... que and y a ... qui
- Yes vs. Yes - Oui ou Si
PRONUNCIATION (lots more in the premium area)
- /AIL/ and /EUIL/
/E/ /É/ and /È/
- practice - premium practice
/E/ /EU/ and /U/
- practice
- /IN/
- Letter H
- /OU/
- /OUR/
- letter Œ or OE
- /R/
- /S/ - S or Z sound ?
- /U/
/UI/ vs. /OUI/
- practice
- Final consonants - Premium
- Liaisons in French
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