NEIGER- French verb conjugated

Il a encore neigé dans les Vosges.
NEIGER – French verb conjugated – How is this verb – to love and to like in English – conjugated? What does it sound like?
NEIGER is one of these French verbe impersonnel – impersonal verb. It is conjugated only at its third person singular: il – the neutral ‘it’.
NEIG- is the root of the verb |
-ER is the ending of the verb |
Indicatif - Indicative Mode .... statements
présent .... present tense
il neige .... it is snowing, it snows
il ne neige pas .... it is not snowing, it doesn’t snow
imparfait .... imperfect
il neigeait .... it used to snow, it was snowing, it would snow
il ne neigeait pas .... it was not snowing
passé composé .... preterite or present perfect
il a neigé .... it snowed, it has snowed
il n’a pas neigé .... it didn’t snow
futur simple .... future tense
il neigera .... it will snow
il ne neigera pas .... it won’t snow
Related: Tenses and modes . 52 Very First French Verbs . What is JE, TU, ELLE, IL …? . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups .
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