Savoir vs. connaître in French
Savoir vs. Connaître both mean 'to know'. Check out the rules.
Translate into French
- I don’t know how to cook.
- I know the poem.
- Do you (tu) know Jean Dujardin?
- She doesn’t know what to do.
- He doesn’t know when they’ll be done.
- We (on) don’t know the store opening hours.
- We (nous) don’t know where they live.
- Do you (vous) know these people?
- They (ils) would like to know French culture.
- They (elles) know how to sail but they don’t know this coast.
Translate into English
- Je ne sais pas faire la cuisine.
- Je connais le poème.
- Tu connais Jean Dujardin ?
- Elle ne sait pas quoi faire.
- Il ne sait pas quand elles auront fini.
- On ne connaît pas les horaires d’ouverture du magasin.
- Nous ne savons où ils habitent.
- Vous connaissez ces gens(-là) ?
- Ils aimeraient connaître la culture française.
- Elles savent faire de la voile, mais elles ne connaissent pas cette côte.
Related: Connaitre vs. Savoir - French rules . Connaître and Savoir - French conjugation . 'Je sais' poem by Gabin .
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Is it fair to say that connaître is followed by a noun or pronoun and savoir by an infinitive, a “que” clause, or a clause beginning with a “question” word? How would one say “Do you know the time?” Can you think of exceptions to the above rule?
I would appreciate your answer so much. I found this rule on-line and want to make sure that it works!!
SAVOIR is followed by a
–VERB in the infinitive form
Je sais parler français.
Il sait qui va gagner.
Nous ne savons pas comment il va venir.
–followed by a noun phrase
Je connais les chiens.
–preceded by a pronoun
Je les connais.
–never followed by a QUI-QUE-QUAND-OÙ-COMMENT-POURQUOI-QUEL-SI… clause
In English, you often ask “Do you know the time ?”. In French, you can translate it by: “Tu sais quelle heure il est ?” or “Quelle heure est-il ?”
I can’t think of an exception to these rules.
Merci Lissa. J’ai adoré votre question.