.Voici un méli-mélo d'expressions idiomatiques. Here is a jumble of colloquial expressions.
- avaler des couleuvres....to put up with a lot....to swallow grass snakes
- avoir la banane....to be enthusiastic and/or energetic....to have the banana
- avoir la pêche....to be enthusiastic and/or energetic....to have the peach
- avoir la puce à l'oreille....to be aware something is going to happen....the have a flea in the ear
- avoir le bras long....to have connections....to have the long arm
- avoir le cafard....to be down, to be depressed....to have the cockroach
- avoir le coeur gros....to be sad about something....to have the heart big
- avoir le cœur sur la main....to be kindhearted....to have the heart on top of the hand
- avoir les jetons....to be scared....to have the tokens
- avoir un poil dans la main....to be lazy....to have a hair in the hand
- bosser comme un/e malade....to work one's tail off....to trim like a sick person
- c'est ma pomme....it's me....it's my apple
- c'est pour ma poire....it's for me....it's for my pear
- casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu’un....to talk about someone behind their back....to break some sugar on someone's back
- casser les pieds à quelqu’un....to get on someone’s nerves....to break somebody's feet
- ce n’est pas la mer à boire....it’s not impossible to do....it's not the sea to drink
- coincer la bulle....to do nothing or take a nap....to corner the bubble
- couper la poire en deux....to meet halfway....to cut the pear in half
- être au bout du rouleau....to be at the end of one’s rope....to be at the end of the roll
- être au four et au moulin....to be in two places at once ....to be at the oven and at the mill
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