French Textbook

S’EN SORTIR – Verbe conjugué

S’EN SORTIR – Verbe conjugué


S'EN SORTIR Je n’ai pas beaucoup d’argent, mais je m’en sors. I don’t have much money, but I get by.

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S’EN SORTIR means "to get by", but also “to cope, to manage, to be better off”. It's a reflexive verb.

Indicatif - Indicative Mode  .... statements

présent .... present tense

je m’en sors .... I get by

je ne m’en sors pas .... I don’t get by, I’m not getting by

je m’en sors .... I get by

tu t’en sors .... you get by

elle s’en sort .... she gets by

il s’en sort .... he/it gets by

on s’en sort .... we get by

nous nous en sortons .... we get by

vous vous en sortez .... your get by

elles s’en sortent .... they get by

ils s’en sortent .... they get by

*also I’m getting by…

imparfait .... imperfect

je m’en sortais .... I used to get by•

je ne m’en sortais pas .... I wasn’t getting by

je m’en sortais .... I used to get by

tu t’en sortais .... you used to get by

elle s’en sortait .... she used to get by

il s’en sortait .... he/it used to get by

on s’en sortait .... we used to get by

nous nous en sortions .... we used to get by

vous vous en sortiez .... you used to get by

elles s’en sortaient .... they used to get by

ils s’en sortaient .... they used to get by

*also I was getting by, I would get by…

passé composé .... preterit or present perfect

je m’en suis sorti/e .... I got by

je ne m’en suis pas sorti/e .... I didn’t get by

je m’en suis sorti/e .... I got by

tu t’en es sorti/e .... you got by

elle s’en est sortie .... she got by

il s’en est sorti .... he/it got by

on s’en est sorti/s/es .... we got by

nous nous en sommes sortis/es .... we got by

vous vous en êtes sortis/es .... you got by

elles s’en sont sorties .... they got by

ils s’en sont sortis .... they got by

*also I have gotten by…

futur simple .... future tense

je m’en sortirai .... I will get by

je ne m’en sortirai pas .... I won’t get by

je m’en sortirai .... I will get by

tu t’en sortiras .... you will get by

elle s’en sortira .... she will get by

il s’en sortira .... he/it will get by

on s’en sortira .... we will get by

nous nous en sortirons .... we will get by

vous vous en sortirez .... you will get by

elles s’en sortiront .... they will get by

ils s’en sortiront .... they will get by

passé proche .... near past

je viens de m’en sortir .... I just got by

je ne viens pas de m’en sortir .... I didn’t just get by

je viens de m’en sortir .... I just got by

tu viens de t’en sortir .... you just got by

elle vient de s’en sortir .... she just got by

il vient de s’en sortir .... he/it just got by

on vient de s’en sortir .... we just got by

nous venons de nous en sortir .... we just got by

vous venez de vous en sortir .... you just got by

elles viennent de s’en sortir .... they just got by

ils viennent de s’en sortir .... they just got by

futur proche .... near future

je vais m’en sortir .... I’m going to get by

je ne vais pas m’en sortir .... I’m not going to get by

je vais m’en sortir .... I’m going to get by

tu vas t’en sortir .... you‘re going to get by

elle va s’en sortir .... she’s going to get by

il va s’en sortir .... he/it’s going to get by

on va s’en sortir .... we‘re going to get by

nous allons nous en sortir .... we‘re going to get by

vous allez vous en sortir .... you‘re going to get by

elles vont s’en sortir .... they’re going to get by

ils vont s’en sortir .... they‘re going to get by

plus-que-parfait .... pluperfect

je m’en étais sorti/e .... I had gotten by

je ne m’en étais pas sorti/e .... I hadn’t gotten by

je m’en étais sorti/e .... I had gotten by

tu t’en étais sorti/e .... you had gotten by

elle s’en était sortie .... she had gotten by

il s’en était sorti .... he/it had gotten by

on s’en était sorti/s/es .... we had gotten by

nous nous en étions sortis/es .... we had gotten by

vous vous en étiez sortis/es .... you had gotten by

elles s’en étaient sorties .... they had gotten by

ils s’en étaient sortis .... they had gotten by

futur antérieur .... future perfect, past future

je m’en serai sorti/e .... I will have gotten by

je ne m’en serai pas sorti/e .... I won’t have gotten by

je m’en serai sorti/e .... I will have gotten by

tu t’en seras sorti/e .... you will have gotten by

elle s’en sera sortie .... she will have gotten by

il s’en sera sorti .... he/it will have gotten by

on s’en sera sorti/s/es .... we will have gotten by

nous nous en serons sortis/es .... we will have gotten by

vous vous en serez sortis/es .... you will have gotten by

elles s’en seront sorties .... they will have gotten by

ils s’en seront sortis .... they will have gotten by

passé simple .... literary past

je m’en sortis .... I ‘did’ get by*

je ne m’en sortis pas .... I didn’t get by

je m’en sortis .... I ‘did’ get by

tu t’en sortis .... you ‘did’ get by

elle s’en sortit .... she ‘did’ get by

il s’en sortit .... he/it ‘did’ get by

on s’en sortit .... we ‘did’ get by

nous nous en sortîmes .... we ‘did’ get by

vous vous en sortîtes .... you ‘did’ get by

elles s’en sortirent .... they ‘did’ get by

ils s’en sortirent .... they ‘did’ get by

*also I got by…

Impératif - Imperative Mode .... commands and requests

impératif présent .... present command form

Sors t’en ! .... Get by!

Ne t’en sors pas ! .... Don’t get by!

Sors t’en ! .... Get by!

Sortons-en ! .... Let’s get by!

Sortez-en ! .... Get by!

Conditionnel - Conditional Mode .... hypothesis and conditions

conditionnel présent .... present conditional

je m’en sortirais .... I would get by

je ne m’en sortirais pas .... I wouldn’t get by

je m’en sortirais .... I would get by

tu t’en sortirais .... you would get by

elle s’en sortirait .... she would get by

il s’en sortirait .... he/it would get by

on s’en sortirait .... we would get by

nous nous en sortirions .... we would get by

vous vous en sortiriez .... you would get by

elles s’en sortiraient .... they would get by

ils s’en sortiraient .... they would get by

conditionnel passé .... past conditional

je m’en serais sorti/e .... I would have gotten by

je ne m’en serais pas sorti/e .... I wouldn’t have gotten by

je m’en serais sorti/e .... I would have gotten by

tu t’en serais sorti/e .... you would have gotten by

elle s’en serait sortie .... she would have gotten by

il s’en serait sorti .... he/it would have gotten by

on s’en serait sorti/s/es .... we would have gotten by

nous nous en serions sortis/es .... we would have gotten by

vous vous en seriez sortis/es .... you would have gotten by

elles s’en seraient sorties .... they would have gotten by

ils s’en seraient sortis .... they would have gotten by

Subjonctif - Subjunctive Mode .... subjectivity, emotions, feelings, demands, wishes, hopes

subjonctif présent .... present subjunctive

que je m’en sorte .... that I get by

que je ne m’en sorte pas .... that I not get by

que je m’en sorte .... that I get by

que tu t’en sortes .... that you get by

qu’elle s’en sorte .... that she gets by

qu’il s’en sorte .... that he/it gets by

qu’on s’en sorte .... that we get by

que nous nous en sortions .... that we get by

que vous vous en sortiez .... that you get by

qu’elles s’en sortent .... that they get by

qu’ils s’en sortent .... that they get by

Participe (Gérondif avec EN) – Participle (Gerond with EN) Mode .... verb as an adjective or added information

participe présent .... present participle

(en) s’en sortant .... (while) getting by

(en) ne s’en sortant pas .... (while) not getting by

participes passé .... past participles

s’en étant sorti/e .... gotten by

(en) s’en étant sorti/e .... (while) having gotten by

(en) ne s’en étant pas sorti/e .... (while) not having gotten by

Infinitif - Infinitive .... basic form of the verb

infinitif présent .... present infinitive

s’en sortir .... to get by

ne pas s’en sortir .... to not get by

infinitif passé .... past infinitive

s’en être sorti/e .... to have gotten by

ne pas s’en être sorti/e .... to not have gotten by

Related: Reflexive pronouns ME TE SE . Personal pronouns – JE TU ELLE . 200 first French verbs . Verbs conjugated . French tenses and modes . French verb groups . French Verbs conjugated .

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