La France occidentale est sous le soleil aujourd'hui.
Western France is sunny today.
A set of specific adjectives that aren’t that intuitive.
- Western -- m/f -- occidental/e
- Eastern -- m/f -- oriental/e
- Southern -- m/f -- austral/e
- Northern -- m/f -- septentrional/e
- From the Northern hemisphere, next to the North pole-- m/f -- boréal/e
. . . . . . . .
- summery -- m/f -- estival/e
- autumnal -- m/f -- automnal/e
- wintry -- m/f -- hivernal/e
- spring-like -- m/f -- printanier/nière
. . . . . . . .
- daily -- m/f -- journalier/lière, quotidien/ne
- weekly -- m/f -- hebdomadaire
- monthly -- m/f -- mensuel/le
- every three months -- m/f -- trimestriel/le
- every six months -- m/f -- semestriel/le
- yearly -- m/f -- annuel/le
- that lasts two years -- m/f -- biennal/e
- every two years -- m/f -- bisannuel/le, biennal/e
- every ten years -- m/f -- décadaire
- leap year -- f -- année bissextile
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Bonne journée française !
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