
Voting – French Vocabulary

Voting Terms - French Vocabulary

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Voting terms in French – French Vocabulary – Voter en français - Vocabulaire - Learn French vocabulary with Anne’s list.

Ce candidat ne parle pas la langue de bois.

This candidate isn't speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

French words about voting - mots à propos du vote

  1. absentee ballot .... m .... bulletin de vote par correspondance
  2. absentee vote .... m/ø .... vote/r par correspondance
  3. absentee voting .... m/ø .... vote/r par procuration
  4. abstention .... f .... abstention
  5. act .... f .... loi votée
  6. affiliation .... f .... inscription à un parti
  7. ballot .... m .... bulletin de vote, scrutin
  8. ballot box .... f .... urne
  9. bill .... m .... projet de loi
  10. campaign .... f .... campagne
  11. candidate .... m/f .... candidat/e
  12. constitution .... f .... constitution
  13. debate .... m .... débat
  14. democrat .... m/f .... démocrate
  15. election .... f .... élection
  16. election by majority vote .... m .... scrutin majoritaire
  17. electoral system .... m .... mode de scrutin
  18. filibuster .... f .... obstruction parlementaire
  19. five-year mandate .... m .... quinquennat
  20. grassroots .... m .... mouvement populaire
  21. help, endorsement .... m .... soutien
  22. incumbent .... m/f .... sortant/e
  23. left-wing .... ø .... à/de gauche
  24. looser, defeated .... m/f .... perdant/e
  25. majority .... f .... majorité

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