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As stated in "Gender of French Nouns" French nouns have a gender. For instance, a chair is feminine, and an armchair is masculine. The gender is shown with the article: le, la, un or une. You’ll hear/see the gender in front of each word in all of the FRENCH ETC. lists.
The gender is not always logical – why do you say un livre (a book) and une livre (half a pound)?
For most nouns, you will have to memorize the gender with every new noun you learn. However, there are a few rules you can hang onto to spot a gender.
- nouns ending in –tion, -sion, - asion -ance -ence -té –tée –ette –ade, -ode ude -ale -ole –ie –ure
- nouns ending in –age –asme –isme –phone –scope -ment -acle –eau and nouns that come from a Foreign language tend to be masculine
ending -- gender -- examples
- -acle -- m -- spectacle
- -ade -- f -- chiffonade
- -age -- m -- fromage
- -aison -- f -- maison
- -ale -- f -- rafale
- -ance -- f -- accoutumance
- -asme -- m -- sarcasme
- -eau -- m -- couteau
- -ence -- f -- prudence
- -ette -- t -- serviette
- -ie -- f -- minutie
- -isme -- m -- romantisme
- -ment -- m -- sentiment
- -ode -- f -- ode
- -ole -- f -- école
- -phone -- m -- microphone
- -scope -- m -- téléscope
- -sion -- f -- contusion
- -té -- f -- fierté
- -tée -- f -- nuitée
- -tion -- f -- information
- -ude -- f -- habitude
- -ure -- f -- culture
- foreign -- m -- parking
Some nouns have both genders, and two different meanings
- f -- aide -- help, assistance
- m -- aide -- helper, assistant
- f -- cote -- rating, quotation
- m -- côte -- chop, hill, coast
- f -- critique -- review, criticism
- m -- critique -- reviewer
- f -- guide -- woman guide
- m -- guide -- guide book
- f -- livre – pound
- m -- livre -- book
- f -- manche – sleeve
- m -- manche -- handle
- f -- page – page
- m -- page -- page boy
- f -- pâtée -- wet pet food
- m -- pâté -- pâté for humans
- f -- pendule – clock
- m -- pendule -- pendulum
- f -- poêle -- frying pan
- m -- poêle -- wood stove
- f -- poste -- post office
- m -- poste -- position
- f -- tour – tower
- m -- tour -- guided visit
- f -- vase – mud
- m -- vase -- vase
- f -- voile – sail
- m -- voile -- vail
Related: Gender of Nouns 1 with AUDIO
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