
Falloir – French expressions

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Il faut qu'on aille à Paris-plage.

French expressions with FALLOIR

AUDIO below, with Anne's French accent

Falloir, falloir ! Il faut du temps et de la patience pour comprendre ce verbe. En voici les usages les plus communs.

Falloir, falloir ! You have to have time and patience to understand this verb. Here are the main uses of this verb.

il faut que + subjunctive to have to
il a fallu que + subjunctive to have to in the past
falloir du temps pour que + subjunctive to take time for
ce qu’il faut que + subjunctive what to have to
avoir tout ce qu’il faut pour + infinitive to have what it takes to
il faut + time it takes + time
il faut me/te/le/la… comprendre to put self in my/your/his/her shoes

Phrases with “il faut”

(Il) Faut ce qu’il faut. You have to do what you have to do.
Ce qu’il (ne) faut pas entendre ! The things you hear!
Faut le faire ! You/They/She got some nerve!
Faut voir. Why not. I’ll consider/think about it.
Il faut bien vivre. One must make ends meet.

Continue with a lot more detail

Practice FALLOIR here

Related: FALLOIR conjugated .

French vocabulary, French grammar, French culture, about French about France, French podcast

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