
FALLOIR – French verb practice

FALLOIR - French verb practice

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Il faut qu'on aille à Paris-plage.

FALLOIR - French verb practice - Practice French expressions - FALLOIR

Exercice avec FALLOIR

To practice expressions with FALLOIR

  • look at these sentences with ‘il faut’
  • look at them in English and translate back into French
  • check out your answers

Français - anglais

  1. Il faut que nous réservions une table au resto
  2. L’armoire est en haut, mais il a fallu que nous nous y prenions à deux
  3. Il fallait du temps pour que son genou guérisse.
  4. Je ne sais pas ce qu’il faut que je dise.
  5. Elle a tout ce qu’il faut pour devenir une bonne véto.
  6. Il faut 20 minutes pour faire ce plat.
  7. Il faut le comprendre, il n’a pas assez d’argent.
  8. (Il) Faut ce qu’il faut.
  9. Ce qu’il (ne) faut pas entendre !
  10. Faut le faire !

English - French

  1. We have to reserve a table at the restaurant.
  2. The armoire is upstairs, but it took two people to handle it. (it had to be dealt with between 2 people)
  3. It took time for her knee to get better.
  4. I don’t know what (I have) to say.
  5. She has what it takes to become a good vet.
  6. It takes 20 minutes to make this dish.
  7. Put yourself in his shoes (You’ll have to understand him), he doesn’t have enough money.
  8. You have to do what you have to do.
  9. The things you hear!
  10. You/They/She got some nerve!

Continue with many more examples

Related: Expressions with FALLOIR . FALLOIR conjugated . French school system . French occupations .


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