About French

day in and day out

AUDIO below

  1. l’avant-veille = the day before the day before
  2. la veille = the day before
  3. le jour même = this day
  4. le lendemain = the day after
  5. le surlendemain = the day after the day after
  6. jour après jour, tous les jours, constamment = day in and day out


  1. avant-hier = the day before yesterday
  2. hier = yesterday
  3. aujourd’hui = today
  4. demain = tomorrow
  5. après-demain = the day after tomorrow


  1. ce matin = this morning
  2. cet après-midi = this afternoon
  3. ce soir = tonight (evening)
  4. cette nuit = tonight (night)
  5. demain matin = tomorrow morning
  6. hier soir = last night

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