Je suis à la gare.
être - to be
How is ETRE conjugated? What does it sound like? AUDIO below, by Anne, a native speaker.
Indicatif - Indicative Mode : statements
présent .... present tense
je suis .... I am*
je ne suis pas .... I am not
je suis .... I am
tu es .... you are
elle est .... she is
il est .... he/it is
on est .... we are
nous sommes .... we are
vous êtes .... your are
elles sont .... they are
ils sont .... they are
*also I’m being…
imparfait .... imperfect
j’étais .... I used to be*
je n’étais pas .... I didn’t use to be
j’étais .... I used to be
tu étais .... you used to be
elle était .... she used to be
il était .... he/it used to be
on était .... we used to be
nous étions .... we used to be
vous étiez .... you used to be
elles étaient .... they used to be
ils étaient .... they used to be
*also I was, I would be…
passé composé .... preterit, present perfect
j’ai été .... I was*
je n’ai pas été .... I wasn’t
j’ai été .... I was
tu as été .... you were
elle a été .... she was
il a été .... he/it was
on a été .... we were
nous avons été .... we were
vous avez été .... you were
elles ont été .... they were
ils ont été .... they were
*also I have been…
futur simple .... future tense
je serai .... I will be
je ne serai pas .... I won’t be
je serai .... I will be
tu seras .... you will be
elle sera .... she will be
il sera .... he/it will be
on sera .... we will be
nous serons .... we will be
vous serez .... you will be
elles seront .... they will be
ils seront .... they will be
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